Monday, January 6, 2014

Meal planning: My Saving Grace

Meal planning has been a HUGE part of my success with weight loss. Some may function fine without a weekly menu, but for me, it is a must! Every weekend, I sit down and look over my family's calendar for the coming week to see what we need to plan around (busier days are usually crockpot days!). Then I plan out all of my meals on a spreadsheet I created and make my grocery list on the back of the sheet as I go. My routine is to go grocery shopping every Monday night on my way home from my Weight Watchers meeting (bonus...I'm extra motivated to make healthy choices while shopping because I'm coming straight from that meeting!;)). I also like that I can plan out my activity/exercise for each day on this sheet. There is also a spot for tracking my water and whether or not I've taken my multivitamin. This system works great for me! Otherwise, it gets too easy to order pizza when I don't know what to make for dinner!

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