Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Ugly Truth's been awhile. And I've put off and put off writing this post. I've been embarrassed to admit that "Healthy Hot Mama" has not been making such healthy decisions for the last few months.
It's absolutely amazing to me how slowly weight comes off and how quickly it comes on! It started when school got out in June. I got done teaching preschool for the year, which I love, but it takes time, and my boys got out of school. I was burnt out with the gym and getting up early every morning to race off to the gym, etc. I wanted a more relaxed summer with some lazy mornings and less running here and there constantly. As I talked about in the previous post, I ended up sabotaging myself with my high school reunion coming in July and gained about 15 lbs. Well, the sabotage continued...all...summer! How I wished I would have nipped it in the bud, but I decided to try some other methods to lose the weight. I am very much aware that my issues with food are very much in my head. In fact, I've come to learn recently that for me, food is a true addiction, but more about that later. I decided in June to try hypnosis, which I had been looking into for awhile. I even knew someone personally who had been very successful with it and has kept the weight off. I went into with the hope that this would "fix me". They assured me that as early as right after my first session, I would completely lose the desire for sweets and other junk food (my triggers). I gave it 2 1/2 months and it never happened. I went to all of my sessions, weekly, and I listened to my recorded personal sessions diligently each day. I talked to the employees on numerous occasions trying to figure out what I was doing "wrong". They would tell me to relax more and that I needed to stop counting calories and points and just "let this work". Giving up control and having faith are hard things for me, but I did it....and the pounds piled on! I finally called the hypnosis center and cancelled my contract. The problem was, that by then I was off track, and in a big way. My binge eating had gotten worse. I was devastated by the weight gain, so ironically, I ate to feel better...and the cycle continued with the accompanying climb in numbers on the scale. I was at the point where I could NOT find the motivation to get myself back on track. No Pinterest motivational picture hanging on my fridge was going to help. No attending my WW meetings was going to help. I had to go buy bigger clothes, and let me tell you...that sucked!! I have a closet full of clothes that I can't wear. I no longer feel comfortable with my body or with how my clothes fit me. I've completely lost motivation to work out. I got a treadmill for my bedroom last month and have been using that, but I haven't been going to the gym. My gym clothes don't fit, my schedule is honestly insane (I'm teaching 2 classes/day now and my kids' schedules are crazy),etc...but really those are excuses. The fact is, I feel like crap trying to do the things at the gym that I could easily do before. The extra weight makes it harder to run, etc. I just FEEL worse physically,emotionally and mentally. So why do I not just make myself stick to a strict diet?, some may ask. Because it's not that easy. I've come to learn that in my case, food is an actual ADDICTION. Food is my drug of choice. Just like an alcoholic needs that drink or a drug addict needs that high, my body wants the sugar. When I'm stressed, that's how I self-medicate. I've noticed in the past that I have a very addictive personality and it's something I have to watch. I like to shop, and I have to be careful that I don't spend more than I have. Whenever I find a new interest, it consumes me and I jump in head first, giving it all of my time and attention. That is just how I am wired. I have a very "all-or-nothing" mentality. This makes it hard to do anything in moderation, including eating. If I eat something "bad", my day is ruined and I just need to finish the bag of cookies so they are gone and I can start over again tomorrow. (How many can relate to that?) Right or wrong, this is how my mind works.
Is it absolutely mortifying to admit to all of you that I, who started a facebook page to share my weight loss wisdom, has lost all control and gained back a lot of weight? Absolutely! Do I feel kind of pathetic? Ummm...ya! But what have I said from the very beginning of this blog/facebook page? My goal is to be 100% honest with you, my friends. I can promise you that even on those weight loss pages where they are super successful, those people have struggled with backsliding, playing the mental games, etc. The difference is that I want all of you, who may be struggling with some of the same issues, to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I am receiving messages from people as I post telling me how grateful they are for my honesty and they share their stories with me. I am talking to friends and people in my support groups who are experiencing the same things. I want to be real...and open...and honest, even at the risk of looking pathetic.
I had one lady that I was talking to recently about our individual struggles with weight, tell me that if I hadn't shared my struggles with her, she would have never known that I didn't have it all together. She said that she saw that my house was always clean, and I always "look nice" and it seems like I have it all together. Ladies...that is my big beef. We are always comparing our "Monday worst" to everyone else's "Sunday best"...and it's not a fair comparison. I am guilty of doing this. My goal right now is to work on loving myself the way I am RIGHT NOW, not when I lose 50 pounds. And to stop comparing myself to those around me. We ALL struggle, and we need to love ourselves and each other. I would never speak to a friend the way I speak to myself, and that's not right! I'm working on stopping the negative self-talk and focusing on my strengths. I AM ENOUGH. I am a good mom who advocates for her kids and does her very best to raise them to be happy, strong, successful young men. I am a good friend who wants to be there to listen to and help my friends and be there for them. I am a good wife who adores her husband and does her best to make sure he always knows that. I.AM.ENOUGH!! The number on the tag on my jeans does not define me. My Father in Heaven's love for me is not dependent upon the number on the scale. He only wants for me to love myself, so I can more fully love those around me. I'm a work in progress, but that's okay. It's all part of the journey!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lessons learned at a high school reunion...

High school reunion....three words that can cause excitement or strike fear in a person. My 20 year reunion was last night, and I felt a mixture of those feelings. I remember when I started my weight loss journey in 2010, thinking that for SURE I'd have reached my goal weight before my 20 year reunion in 2014! 4 years, no problem, right? Well, as it got closer and I realized that I would NOT be at goal or even close, I started really stressing and beating myself up. In turn, I engaged in some serious self-sabotage and GAINED about 15 pounds back right before the reunion. I know, it makes no sense, but that's how I roll. I tried on outfit after outfit trying to find just the right thing to make me look as thin and perfect as I imagined every other woman there would look. I worried I'd be critiqued and judged by my former peers. Well, I got to the family barbecue lunch, looked around and started visiting with old classmates. I found myself having a blast, approaching people who may not have given me the time of day 20 years ago and feeling fine about myself. I realized that no one was judging me at all! I talked to one person who was "popular" in high school that admitted to feeling insecure coming to the reunion. Unbelievable! I wasn't the only one. Some of us gained some weight, some of the men were bald....I realized, FINALLY, that we all change and we all have our insecurities. I certainly wasn't judging what anyone else looked like, and I'm sure no one gave my appearance a second thought. Why did I stress myself out for so many months about this? I guess the lesson that I finally learned, 20 years after graduating from high school was that it truly doesn't matter what others think of me. What is important is what *I* think of me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I'm tired...'s been a struggle lately. How I wish I were one of those fortunate people who have a healthy relationship with food. You know...the ones who can have treats in the house without thinking about them constantly and planning how soon they can be enjoyed. They are those who don't think about food ALL.DAY.LONG. How would that be? I am coming to understand that I may never know and THAT, I think, is a big part of my problem right now.
You all know that I am all about being real on this blog/fb page. I know that I am not alone in these struggles. I know of at least 4 good friends who are struggling with their weight and lack of motivation right now, just like me. So here it is.... I am burnt out. I am tired of thinking about food constantly. I'm tired of basing my self-worth on whether I've eaten "good" or "bad" foods (part of my "everything is black or white" personality). I'm tired of trying to figure out my next plan of action to try and get myself motivated to lose again. I'm tired of failing. I hate that I know that this struggle and addiction to food will be something I will battle my ENTIRE LIFE. It will hopefully get easier, but it will never go away.
Have I considered just letting myself be okay with where my body is right now? Yes. As I mentioned before, I've had 2 doctors now tell me that I am probably at my body's "set point" and that since I am so healthy cardiovascularly and my lab numbers are great, I am...healthy. The reason I can't let myself be okay with where I am now, is that my relationship with food is NOT healthy right now. Not in my head. I have to get that figured out before I can be okay with where I am. I WILL NOT gain the weight back.
It's like putting together a puzzle and having it almost done and not being able to find that last piece, and it is soooo frustrating! I make myself (and probably everyone around me!) crazy trying to analyze myself and why I do the things I do. I need to find that missing piece.
I have people ask me all the time how to get motivated and where I find motivation. I don't. It finds me when it's time. One thing I've learned is that you cannot force motivation. For yourself or anyone else. You'd think that with my high school reunion coming up in a month and a half, I'd care. That I'd be "motivated" to lose more weight. But no, I just.don'!
To top it all off, I had someone pull me aside this weekend with a "not-so-complimentary" question/comment about how parts of my body look since losing over 100 pounds and which parts of my body must be the last to let the weight go. Was that encouraging to someone struggling to lose weight? Absolutely not. If I had any confidence in how I was looking, that pretty much dissolved that. One more thing to be self-conscious of.
I don't mean for this to be a negative, pity-party of a post, but I felt like I needed to get back on here and catch everyone up on where I am right now. And since I know of others going through the same thing, I'm sure there are many others that I don't know of who can also relate. Hopefully, they won't feel so alone.
For now I am going to work on loving myself...good (food), bad (food) or ugly (food). I will take it one meal, snack, or hour at a time. I will find that balance that I struggle with between deprivation and over-indulgence. And in the meantime, I will try to focus on how far I've come, rather than how far I have to go.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pity Parties are like Twinkies...

"Pity parties are like Twinkies: even though they're not good for us, sometimes we just can't help ourselves." (from the book "Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?" by Michelle Wilson)

So, I guess I've been having a good old pity party the last few days. I've been doing this clean eating "diet" (I still hate that word!) for the last 19 days. The first 9 days was the cleanse part and I lost 11.4 pounds and 9 1/4 inches. Then I started the 21 day portion where you eat a little more (adding in a mid-morning snack). I understood going into it that I would not lose at nearly the rate I was on the cleanse. Days 1 and 2, I kept seeing a decent drop each morning, but then for days 3 thru 9, I was up .2, down .2...back and forth. This morning, I saw a 1 lb drop from yesterday. I completely understand that our bodies are on their own schedules when it comes to showing a loss or gain, and that it really shouldn't be about the number on the scale. BUT...I have to admit that it was pretty frustrating when I went to my Weight Watchers weigh-in this morning to see a loss for the week of.... .8 (yes, point.freaking.eight. for the entire week.) Then to hear other members talk about how they couldn't believe their loss of 2.6 lbs after all the Easter candy and eating out they indulged in all week? Not fun. I ate CLEAN...fruits, veggies, lean meats, smaller portions, and ZERO Easter candy or processed foods of any kind. And no, the inches haven't changed since I ended the cleanse, so I can't comfort myself with that. 
I DO know that I won't give up! I will not continue my pity party with accompanying thoughts of "Screw this! If I'm not going to see the results I want, I may as well stop at DQ and drown my sorrows in a Blizzard." (Yes, those thoughts may have crossed my mind...for a while...this morning). Regardless of the frustrating results on the scale, I do know that I am fueling my body in a healthy way. I am learning how delicious these whole foods are. I FEEL GOOD, which is such a huge thing. I will trust in my body and in the process. Pity party over.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sabotage and Bumps in the Road...

I am still alive! I haven't posted on here as much in the last few weeks for a few reasons... 1) I have had a nasty old cold for the last 3 weeks that turned into a sinus infection/asthma and has had me down for awhile and 2) I'm still looking for that lost "mojo". You know how that one goes...the motivation comes and goes, ebbs and flows. It's a constant cycle. As much as I wish that it could always be at a high and that I'd always have great info to share with everyone, that is not how this journey goes. There are constant bumps along this road to a healthier life. I've been really struggling over the last few months with some personal issues. In addition to my own self-sabotage, which I talk about here from time to time, I have also been trying to deal with sabotage that is not self-inflicted (and no, not from hubby or my family :)). I have had to step back and re-evaluate some things and make some changes in my life to try to avoid as much of the sabotage as possible. This one has been a newer experience for me. I have always felt so fortunate to have had so much support from everyone around me as I've worked on becoming healthier. I've watched many others have to deal with saboteurs along the way. I've learned, firsthand now, that it is difficult enough to deal with self-sabotage, but when you have to deal with others that you have no control over, it's a whole other ballgame. You do what you can do to change it and you move on the best you can. It's all part of the journey. I'm climbing back in the driver's seat and I'm ready to move forward on my journey again!
I had an interesting experience the other night. I was at a different WW meeting than I normally attend and was speaking with some new (second week) members before the meeting started. They were asking a friend and I how long we'd been coming to WW. I told them that I'd been coming for almost 4 years and that I'd lost over 100 pounds. We talked about how this is a healthy way to lose the weight, because you are taking the time to make it a lifestyle change and to learn to overcome some of those bad habits that led up to us joining WW. It is my own opinion that the longer it takes (within reason) to overcome those "bumps in the road" and reach our goal weight, the less likely we will be to gain the weight back and have to start that trip all over again later. I know that for me, personally, it would be absolutely devastating to have experienced this weight loss and then gain a large part or all of it back. I've seen too many friends go through that. I'm okay taking longer to get there and to work on conquering my issues and hang-ups now.
Would I love to show up at my high school reunion this summer looking hot in a size 6? Of course!!'s more important to me to show up feeling happy, healthy and confident about who Jamie is. That's what true beauty really is!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chinese Chicken and Broccoli

I made the yummiest new recipe for dinner tonight...Chinese Chicken and Broccoli. In my opinion, it was better than anything I've eaten in a Chinese restaurant. was THAT good! I found it on Pinterest (what did we do before Pinterest??) and it originally came from the following blog:

Chinese Chicken and Broccoli

  • For the marinade:
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 large head of broccoli, crowns only, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • For the sauce:
  • ¼ cup + 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon water
  1. Mix the marinade ingredients in a small bowl – pour oven chicken.
  2. Marinate the chicken while preparing the sauce and broccoli.
  3. Steam broccoli for just 3 minutes – set aside.
  4. In a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat, saute the chicken with its marinade and ½ of the sauce mixture in 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
  5. Once chicken is fully cooked through, add the steamed broccoli, remaining sauce and 1 tablespoon water.
  6. Cook for 2 minutes to thicken sauce or until broccoli is tender, but still crisp.
** I served it over brown rice.
** 8 PPV for Weight Watchers for 1/4 of the recipe. (Add additional points for rice!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I can do hard things...

I noticed something interesting tonight at a church ladies meeting. A lady came up to me and was asking me about my weight loss. She was so excited for me and commented on how huge of an accomplishment it is. My response? "Thanks, but I still have a ways to go." Why is it that I felt the need to discount her compliment? Why is it so hard to just say, "thank you" and accept a compliment? It's because in my head, I am focusing on how far I have to go and feeling overwhelmed. Instead, I need to appreciate and be proud of how far I've come and what I HAVE accomplished.
I, a food addict, an emotional eater who is the mom of two "high maintenance" boys with their own challenges, pushed through the obstacles, the self-doubt, cravings and physical limits to lose over 100 pounds. That is something to be proud of. I can do hard things. I am proud of what I've learned and who I've become. I have inspired people to begin their own journeys to better health and that is a huge responsibility. I can now push through this plateau, remind myself that I am worth it and I can do hard things and continue to realize my potential.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The ups and the downs....

The first few months of my weight loss, I did see losses every week, but soon your body decides to not let that weight go as easily! Then it starts looking like this picture. Remember it's all part of the journey. If there weren't some challenges along the way, if it were all easy sailing, we wouldn't learn anything. I wouldn't trade the small gains and the struggles because they have taught me so much about myself. It's something that we will work on our entire lives. Being healthy is a journey, not a destination.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hawaiian Turkey Burgers

This is another yummy "healthier" burger recipe. I made it for dinner tonight and my 7 year old LOVED it! I got it from the cookbook " Everyday Light Meals".

Hawaiian Turkey Burgers (7 WW PPV per 4 servings per recipe)
Yields: 4 servings (mine made 5 good sized patties)

1 can (8 oz.) sliced pineapple
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper
1 Tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt (I omitted this)
1 pound lean ground turkey
1/4 cup reduced sodium teriyaki sauce
4 sesame hamburger buns (I used sandwich thins instead)

Coat grill rack with nonstick cooking spray before starting the grill. Drain pineapple, reserving 1/4 cup juice; set pineapple aside. In a bowl, combine the bread crumbs, onions, red pepper, soy sauce, salt and reserved pineapple juice. Crumble turkey over mixture and mix well. Shape into four patties.
Grill, uncovered, over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side. Brush with teriyaki sauce. Grill 4-6 minutes longer on each side or until meat is no longer pink and a meat thermometer reads 165 degrees. Grill pineapple slices for 2 minutes on each side, basting occasionally with teriyaki sauce. Warm buns on grill; top each with a burger and pineapple slice. (I also add spinach leaves to mine)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bacon Cheeseburger Patty :)

I really like "Hungry Girl" recipes. For those of you not familiar with her, she "healthifies" (yes, a HHM word!) regular recipes, restaurant faves, etc. She has some great ideas and some great recipes. You can check her out here: . I have most of her cookbooks and love them. This recipe came from her book "Hungry Girl: To The Max".  Who doesn't love a Bacon Cheeseburger? How about one that is only 205 calories (patty only) and 5 PPV? Even better, right?

4 oz. raw extra-lean ground beef
dash each of salt and pepper
1 Tbsp. precooked real crumbled bacon
1 wedge The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese

Season beef with salt and pepper. Add bacon and knead to evenly distribute. Form into a ball and make a large hollow indentation with your thumb (past the center but not all the way through).

Fill the hole with cheese wedge and squeeze meat to seal, enclosing cheese. Flatten slightly into a thick patty.

Bring a grill pan (or skillet) sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat. Cook patty for 4-8 minutes per side, until cooked to your preference. Enjoy!

(HHM note: I usually buy a pound of the beef and make 4 patties, then freeze the extra 3 for later. I also use a sandwich thin rather than a regular hamburger bun and top with lots of veggies!)

Measure success...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wasa up?

I spread one wedge of Laughing Cow cheese on 2 Wasa flatbread slices (thanks for telling me about these, Natalie Plummer!) and then topped them with a pouch of sweet and savory tuna. 5 PPV for those on WW, 195 calories, 20 g of protein and delicious!

Strong enough...

Motivation is...

The vicious cycle...

So, I've been putting off writing this post. Like most people, I hate to look bad and feel weak. But a big part of the reason that I created this blog and the accompanying facebook page was for the accountability. The other reason was to hopefully help other people by sharing the things I am learning on my journey. Sometimes those lessons come easily and sometimes they come through trials and struggles. I have shared here that it is so important to me to be real and honest here and to not sugar-coat things. I refuse to be one of those weigh loss blogs or pages that make it seem like losing weight is easy and that there are no struggles, weight gains, or setbacks. So here it is...the past few weeks, I have really been struggling with my eating. I've had some really hard days related to my son's Aspergers and my boys' ADHD. And while that's not an excuse, I've been binging on crap and not the moment. Then, when that immediate gratification wears off, the self-loathing kicks in. So then what do we do to make ourselves feel better? We eat! And the vicious cycle continues. Can anyone relate? This cycle has been my problem. I have felt weak and unworthy to post as Healthy Hot Mama, not wanting to be "fake" or feel like I'm being held to a higher standard. I have never claimed to know it all. Like everyone else, I have good days and bad days. The goal is to have more good than bad.
I learned from a book that my mother-in-law wrote, that there are 2 types of motivation...logical and emotional. I might know by looking at the numbers that I SHOULD lose another 30 pounds or so, but that's logical, not emotionally driven. It is finding that emotionally driven "thing" that will push me toward accomplishing my goals. I'm still working on finding that. I've had 2 doctors now tell me that I am probably at my body's "set point" and that since my cardiovascular health is great and my numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) are as well, that I am fine where I am. I've had others in the health field suggest that I should keep going forward with my weight loss, as my weight, BMI and body fat percentage aren't where they should ideally be. I have gotten too comfortable with where I am. I don't have to worry about a lot of the things that I did when I was 100 pounds heavier. BUT...I also know that I can't stop where I am right now because of the fact that my relationship with food is not where it needs to be. The cycle I talked about before has to stop. I need to get a handle on the emotional eating and I think a lot of that will be in changing the way I look at and feel about myself. I need to convince myself that I deserve to meet my goals and that I am worth it. Reprogramming our self-image is not an easy thing.
 So bear with me as I work on getting my head back in the game and try to find the motivation to move forward. I thank you for not judging me and for understanding that this is a vulnerable place to be, but that I know that together we can help each other realize our true potential.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to the man who has, literally, loved me through thick and ummm..."not-so-thick". It is a blessing that I do not take for granted to have the unconditional love and support of this amazing man.
My wish for all of you, my friends, is that you have someone in your life who loves you and supports you, no matter what. Maybe it is a spouse, a friend, a parent, or a child. Above all, we need to love ourselves! Happy Valentines Day to all of you!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

I took a 6 hour class yesterday on "Overcoming Self-Sabotage". It was very well done and I learned  a lot about the signs of self-sabotage and some tools for overcoming it. The biggest thing that I sabotage myself on is, of course, my weight loss. As I've shared, I'm a very emotional eater, so when I'm stressed I immediately go for food. I can stand in front of the fridge, know what I'm doing and that I'll regret it later, and dig in anyway. In talking to the presenter after the class, she asked me if I feel that I'm worth it (meeting my goals). I said that I think I do. She looked me in the eye and said, "Do you really?". That hit me hard. We also discussed that I may be afraid of success. She also asked me why I want to keep going with my weight loss and reach that "goal number". I hate that question because I really don't have a great answer, and I think that's a big part of why I have mostly maintained for awhile. I don't remember ever being thin. Even when I was, I thought I was fat. I have no comprehension or memory to draw on of me being thin.  It is an "unknown" which can be scary...even if you know it will most likely be a positive thing. It comes down to re-programming our minds that we are worth it and that  we can do it. Now to put what I've learned into action. I have goals waiting to be met....
Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen.  DON'T DO IT!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Guest post...

I'm so excited! I was asked to do a guest post on a friend and fellow WW member's blog. Lindsay was in my meetings back when I was a WW newbie. She had lost 130 pounds and had reached "lifetime" (when you reach your goal weight and maintain... it for 6 straight weeks you reach this status). I, at the time, had about that much to lose, and as you can imagine, was quite overwhelmed. To see someone that had done it and was maintaining it was hugely inspiring to me. Thanks, Lindsay, for your inspiration and for sharing my story. Check out her amazing blog here:

Friday, January 31, 2014

Guilt-proof treats....

Seriously....who can really control themselves while eating ice cream and keep it to a healthy, small portion? Not this girl! At least not easily. That's why I was so excited to find this new product. Pre-portioned Greek frozen yogurt with 100 calories per single serving cup (3 WW PPVS)  and 3 cups per package.'s Greek yogurt, so there's protein, right?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stress eating

The last few days have been really rough ones. Without getting into too much detail, I've been having some challenges with my oldest who has Aspergers (a high functioning form of autism) and ADHD. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of stress and... a lot of snacking. I'm trying to keep in mind that food isn't the problem, and it shouldn't be the answer (thank you, Diana!), but old habits die hard. I am sharing this, not for sympathy, but because I know that a lot of people can relate to emotional eating. You are not alone. I don't know if my weight will recover before my next weigh-in, but my focus in the next few days needs to be on my family and my emotions, not a number on the scale.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Shrimp with Spicy Tomato Sauce




  • Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add shrimp, 1 teaspoon garlic and 1/4 teaspoon salt; sauté until shrimp are just cooked through, about 2 to 3 minutes. Remove to a plate.
  • Heat 1 more teaspoon oil in same skillet over low heat. Add remaining tablespoon garlic and crushed red pepper; cook, stirring a few times, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  • Add tomatoes and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt to skillet; bring to a simmer over medium-low heat, scraping any browned bits of food from bottom of skillet. Simmer until slightly thickened, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes.
  • Return shrimp and any juices to skillet; heat through. Stir in basil until wilted. Remove from heat; stir in remaining 1 teaspoon oil and season with additional crushed red pepper, if desired. Yields a generous 3/4 cup per serving.

Holy guacamole!

Today's lunch was A-MAZ-ING! Spinach salad with my pre-cooked chicken, fresh salsa and a single-serve container of guacamole. My friend, Celeste, introduced me to this guacamole and gave me the idea for the salad. For those of you near a Co...stco, you MUST go find this guacamole! They come in packages of 12 single serve containers (no more guac turning brown before you get through it!) and each has only 80 calories (only 2 PPVS for those on WW)! Forget dressing...this is the bomb!See More

This journey was meant to be...

Sometimes I get frustrated with the fact that my weight loss journey has been such a long one. I've been at this for over 3 1/2 years so far, and in the beginning thought I'd have it whipped out in a year...maybe 2. Truth be told, though...I wouldn't trade this journey, or any part of it, for a quicker one. The detours along the way have made me a stronger person and I'm grateful for that. As most of us know, a lot of our weight issues come from dealing with stress by eating. That takes time and a lot of work to learn to overcome. Be patient with yourself! Enjoy the journey! You are worth it!
Photo: Sometimes I get frustrated with the fact that my weight loss journey has been such a long one. I've been at this for over 3 1/2 years so far, and in the beginning thought I'd have it whipped out in a year...maybe 2. Truth be told, though...I wouldn't trade this journey, or any part of it, for a quicker one. The detours along the way have made me a stronger person and I'm grateful for that. As most of us know, a lot of our weight issues come from dealing with stress by eating. That takes time and a lot of work to learn to overcome. Be patient with yourself! Enjoy the journey! You are worth it!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Portion control

Here are some helpful hints for determining healthy portion sizes using everyday items. Portion control is key!
Photo: Here are some helpful hints for determining healthy portion sizes using everyday items. Portion control is key!

Friday, January 24, 2014

"It was worth it"

Those of you who, like me, love "The Biggest Loser" will remember this tender moment from last week's episode. Either way, this quote says it all. I loved it!
Photo: Those of you who, like me, love "The Biggest Loser" will remember this tender moment from last week's episode. Either way, this quote says it all. I loved it!

Apples and cream cheese...

I'm sharing a new favorite snack...Laughing Cow Strawberries and Cream cream cheese wedges (1 PPV for 1 wedge for WW). I had a wedge with a sliced apple and it was amazing!
Photo: I'm sharing a new favorite snack...Laughing Cow Strawberries and Cream cream cheese wedges (1 PPV for 1 wedge for WW). I had a wedge with a sliced apple and it was amazing!


Update on refrigerator oatmeal

It's official! After trying most of the different flavors of Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal suggested on the website, this one is my fave...Pineapple Coconut! I made a few alterations: fat free Greek yogurt, instead of low fat; unsweetened almond milk with a 1/2-1 tsp of Torani's sugar free coconut syrup (like you use for Italian sodas) rather than the coconut milk; and agave rather than honey.
And for those of you who, like me, just can't make yourself eat regular oatmeal...give this a try. I actually look forward to getting up in the morning and eating my refrigerator oatmeal!
(The recipe can be found here:
  • 1/4 cup uncooked old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup lite coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup low-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons dried chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon honey, optional (or substitute any preferred sweetener)
  • 1/4 cup chopped pineapple (fresh, frozen, or drained canned)
In a half pint (1 cup) jar, add oats, coconut milk, yogurt, chia seeds,  and honey. Put lid on jar and shake until well combined. Remove lid, add pineapple and stir until mixed throughout. Return lid to jar and refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Eat chilled.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Why not YOU?"


Doing hard things...

Today we pulled the 300 pound sled again (twice!) and did 225 pound sumos! There is nothing like the feeling you get when you do something hard that you didn't think you could do before! It is often only our minds that hold us back. Believe that you can do hard things!
Photo: Today we pulled the 300 pound sled again (twice!) and did 225 pound sumos! There is nothing like the feeling you get when you do something hard that you didn't think you could do before! It is often only our minds that hold us back. Believe that you can do hard things!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Getting active...

I was just looking back through some old pics and came across these. One was taken in Sept. 2010 after I had lost my first 50 lbs. My goal had been to walk a 5k. My sis, Becki, came and did the local Run for Autism with me. The other pic is... from Sept. 2013, when I was down 100 lbs, and we completed our first HALF MARATHON together! Did I believe in 2010 that I'd do a half in my lifetime? Ummm, no!My point is that we all start somewhere. Just take that first step. The next day go a little further or do a little more. Before you know it, you'll realize that the sky is the limit and you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to do!
