Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sabotage and Bumps in the Road...

I am still alive! I haven't posted on here as much in the last few weeks for a few reasons... 1) I have had a nasty old cold for the last 3 weeks that turned into a sinus infection/asthma and has had me down for awhile and 2) I'm still looking for that lost "mojo". You know how that one goes...the motivation comes and goes, ebbs and flows. It's a constant cycle. As much as I wish that it could always be at a high and that I'd always have great info to share with everyone, that is not how this journey goes. There are constant bumps along this road to a healthier life. I've been really struggling over the last few months with some personal issues. In addition to my own self-sabotage, which I talk about here from time to time, I have also been trying to deal with sabotage that is not self-inflicted (and no, not from hubby or my family :)). I have had to step back and re-evaluate some things and make some changes in my life to try to avoid as much of the sabotage as possible. This one has been a newer experience for me. I have always felt so fortunate to have had so much support from everyone around me as I've worked on becoming healthier. I've watched many others have to deal with saboteurs along the way. I've learned, firsthand now, that it is difficult enough to deal with self-sabotage, but when you have to deal with others that you have no control over, it's a whole other ballgame. You do what you can do to change it and you move on the best you can. It's all part of the journey. I'm climbing back in the driver's seat and I'm ready to move forward on my journey again!
I had an interesting experience the other night. I was at a different WW meeting than I normally attend and was speaking with some new (second week) members before the meeting started. They were asking a friend and I how long we'd been coming to WW. I told them that I'd been coming for almost 4 years and that I'd lost over 100 pounds. We talked about how this is a healthy way to lose the weight, because you are taking the time to make it a lifestyle change and to learn to overcome some of those bad habits that led up to us joining WW. It is my own opinion that the longer it takes (within reason) to overcome those "bumps in the road" and reach our goal weight, the less likely we will be to gain the weight back and have to start that trip all over again later. I know that for me, personally, it would be absolutely devastating to have experienced this weight loss and then gain a large part or all of it back. I've seen too many friends go through that. I'm okay taking longer to get there and to work on conquering my issues and hang-ups now.
Would I love to show up at my high school reunion this summer looking hot in a size 6? Of course!!'s more important to me to show up feeling happy, healthy and confident about who Jamie is. That's what true beauty really is!

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it! I am happy to hear you sought out a new meeting. I hope it went well. You can see a new perspective when you make some changes. You are doing GREAT! Don't let the little slip-ups over shaddow that. Hugs.
